LOPA – Layers of Protection Analysis (English) | Germany

27/03/2025 - 28/03/2025
REMBE® GmbH Safety+Control | City: Brilon, Germany
Gallbergweg 21, 59929 Brilon, Germany
Process plants can pose both plant-related and process specific hazards to people and the environment. Therefore, risk assessment is a legal obligation of the employer and/or process owner in most regions of the world.
This 2-day course will introduce you to the basic knowledge about the LOPA methodology, the evaluation of independent protection layers & allow you to apply this method to sample cases as part of the associated workshop. The seminar language is English.
LOPA is only one of our 5 Safetyneering modules. Further information on REMBE® Safetyneering can be found here.
You can register directly for this seminar here.
You can register directly for this seminar here.
All Dates
Event: From 27/03/2025 to 28/03/2025